
KRRX_Bot cryptocurrency exchange in 2 clicks, a large amount of liquidity and more

To make working with cryptocurrencies simple and find a truly secure platform for exchanging large amounts without overpaying huge commissions, the CIS introduced a convenient service for professional market players and investors – the KRRX_bot chatbot, right in Telegram for fast and safe exchange and storage of cryptocurrencies.

Why is KRRX_bot needed?

With KRRX_bot, you can not only exchange, store, check and send cryptocurrencies in 2 clicks, it also allows professional players and investors to exchange large amounts, minimizing slippage.

KRRX_bot is different from the usual bots. The main feature is that it has a large amount of liquidity due to the unique technology Liquidity Hub, which consolidates the liquidity of the world’s leading exchanges. And what is important, there  are some of the lowest  exchange commissions on the market  –  only 0.1%. 

Investors will be able to take full advantage of the bot: AML checks, support for popular assets, high liquidity, make deposits and earn% for storage.

What functionality is available with the new KRRX_bot?

KRRX_bot provides several useful features to gain significant competitive advantage:

  • The service supports all the most popular cryptocurrencies – BTC, ETH, LTC, USDT (ERC-20, TRC-20), XRP and TRX.
  • The KRRX_bot crypto wallet supports sending and receiving cryptocurrencies directly to the user’s addresses, and the creation of a wallet itself is possible in just a few clicks;
  • The ability to use a calculator to improve the process of exchanging cryptocurrencies;
  • The deposit program from KRRX_bot supports the simultaneous saving and augmentation of cryptocurrencies. This program provides fixed interest on deposits in cryptocurrencies BTC, ETH and USDT;
  • Checking the risks associated with money laundering (AML) makes it possible to generate a detailed report with subsequent distribution into risk groups;
  • Auto-conversion allows you to receive the required cryptocurrency to your account automatically.

What are the conditions of the deposit program and limit orders?

Deposits are available to users in a suitable currency including BTC, ETH, and USDT. The terms of deposits in the listed currencies reach 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, as well as 360 days. 

Crypt / Period  30 days  90 days  180 days  360 days 
BTC  5.5%  7.0%  8.5%  10.5% 
ETH  6.0%  7.5%  9.5%  12.0% 
USDT  7.0%  9.6%  11.5%  13.5% 

“KRRX_bot also provides a Limit Orders function that supports buying and selling assets at a user-defined price. Thus, you can get full or partial execution of the order at the specified price. At the same time, at any time, you can independently cancel a previously made order (order), ”the developers of KRRX_bot comment.

Deposit program

Deposit program

Supported cryptocurrencies

Wallet with balances by currencies  AML

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