One of the most popular animated comedy shows in television history, The Simpsons included a rather optimistic forecast for the future movement of Bitcoin’s price.
In a 31-year episode of Burger Kings, characters enter the financial market by buying shares in a new burger chain created by city billionaire Montgomery Burns. When Marge checks her profits during the Crazy Money show, apparently parodying Jim Cramer’s Mad Money, there is an infinity sign next to the bitcoin (BTC) price.
Other comedic predictions included a quarter point drop in the value of the United States dollar and a $ 1 trillion rise in GameStop.
This is not the first time cryptocurrency has appeared on The Simpsons Show. Last year, Jim Parsons (Sheldon) of The Big Bang Theory, who appeared as a guest star, talked about how cryptocurrency and blockchain technology work. In addition, the actor called the cryptocurrency «the money of the future.»
Some viewers saw a bullish sign in this peculiar bitcoin price forecast. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the discussion of a huge number of topics in The Simpsons in the future became a reality. Examples include the Trump presidency, the results of the three Super Bowls and various innovations in technology, such as the emergence of video chat and smart watches.
Interestingly, Kraken CEO Jesse Powell said last month that eventually the price of BTC will go to infinity and the crypto asset will reach $ 1 million in the next decade.