
February – Work Progress Report

We have decreased the minimum payout on Ravencoin (RVN) pool from 50 RVN to 10 RVN due to the constant demand and the recent RVN price growth.

That means you could reach the minimum payout in about 1 day with an average GPU. Please remember that we cover the payout fees. No extra fees are charged.

We’ve also increased the number of PPLNS shares from 20 000 to 100 000 for Ravencoin PPLNS. This will not change your daily reward anyhow. This should just help the small miners with a low hashrate (for example a single video card) to participate in a larger amount of blocks.

Ethereum Mining Pool News

There are more than 21 500 miners constantly mining in our Ethereum mining pool. The pool hashrate has grown significantly in February. That’s why we’ve increased the number of PPLNS shares for ETH pool from 100 000 to 300 000.

The more Ethereum Network is loaded, the more fees the ETH users pay, the more rewards the miners get. This February we’ve seen just insane days with 8-10 ETH per block on average. For example, this single block 11917348 found by our pool has brought as much as 26.93 ETH. Thanks for the PPLNS system everything has been paid to our miners.

2Miners Stratum-Ping Tool Release

This February 2Miners Team released an awesome tool that lets you check your connection to any mining pool. It is called stratum-ping and it is available for free on github. This tool works on Windows, Linux, or Mac. Our post Check the Real Ping To the Mining Pool Server With Stratum-Ping Tool contains the guide on how to use this software with detailed examples. Give it a try and remember that no all the ping is the same.

2CryptoCalc Updates

Our mining profitability calculator 2CryptoCalc is constantly updating. This month we’ve added new GPU’s like Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060. This is the first Nvidia GPU for which the manufacturer has intentionally reduced the hashrate. This has been done to prevent the miners from buying the card to let the gamers finally upgrade their computers.

Mining software comparison page has been updated in 2CryptoCalc as well. Now you could check if the software supports AMD or Nvidia GPU’s for each of the algorithms.

It is really easy to use this table. Green is for Nvidia, Red is for AMD

Choosing the Best Ethereum Mining Software

This February we’ve done a new test to define the best Ethereum mining software. The last time when we tested mining software T-rex and Gminer were the best for Nvidia, while TeamRedMiner and lolMiner were the best for AMD. This time we repeated the testing with some improvements.

We’ve started the special pool for testing purposes with a low share difficulty. 3 hours in this test pool equal 408.75 hours (17 days) in a real pool. We’ve talked about the confidence level of this experiment as well.

If you want to know which is the fastest ETH miner right now and how did we run the test check our post Best Ethereum Mining Software for Nvidia and AMD.

Remember to join our Telegram chat and follow us on Twitter to get all the news as soon as possible.

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