
Bitcoin Gold Fights Launch Spam But Fails To Sustain Prices

Prices had peaked Nov. 11 at just under $500 per coin ahead of the launch the following day, coinciding with Bitcoin Cash’s own all-time highs approaching $2,400.

Bitcoin Gold (BTG) has quietly launched to a cryptocurrency industry bewitched by the ongoing Bitcoin Cash debacle.

The second major fork of Bitcoin, which the community largely shunned due to its lack of technical robustness, is now mineable but prices have yet to demonstrate substantial support.

Futures prices tracked by Coinmarketcap Monday show a slight uptick following a major downturn through the weekend.

That fork has also since rapidly declined, heading towards just $1,100 – in Bitcoin terms a loss of 70 percent.

BTG’s issuance was complicated by the emergence of a malicious scam, which used the Twitter handle @bitcoingolds as a basis to trick migrating users into handing over cryptocurrency.

After its network snapshot last month, meanwhile, a major DDoS attack paralyzed its website.

“A massive attack was made in an apparent effort to disrupt the mainnet launch, but the Bitcoin Gold team managed to get the network up and running… albeit a little later than planned”, developers added in an official release post following the launch.

Cointelegraph would like to reiterate that Bitcoin Gold is an altcoin and not affiliated with the Bitcoin Core chain – the original version of Bitcoin. Purchasing Bitcoin Gold does not mean that you hold Bitcoin.

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